Face to face and online appointments available


As with the testimonials below your name/email will not be shown, I require them only for my own records.


“Thank you for all the skills you have taught me. I’m not a ’10’ every day but with your help, I’m at a place where I know how to judge where I am at, and if I’m dipping, I have the tools to get me to where I want to be. I’m not suggesting that I might not need to call on you again for a bit of a ‘top up’ but I’m in a much better place than I was when I started seeing you in December – for that, I can’t even begin to thank you enough. You’ve helped me change my behaviour and question my thinking when my ‘stress bucket’ gets too much!”

MAY 2018 (anxiety)


“Just to let you know that I had almost no nerves at all on the build up to the exam. Even on the morning of the exam! This was a massive help, so thank you”

APRIL 2018 (exam nerves)


“Anne Wyatt is an amazing woman with an absolutely amazing talent! Definitely recommend her xx”

MARCH 2018 (Snake phobia)


“Hi Anne, I said I would get back to you and report on progress and it is good. I am a lot more in control of stressful situations and while I still have the nasal congestion condition I am dealing with the breathing aspect of control well. I am using the CD three or four times a week and feel the continuity of using it regularly keeps me feeling at the top end of the happy category.

I thank you for helping me deal with my stress management problem and I will certainly recommend your services to anyone I know personally who needs similar help.”

MARCH 2018 (Stress management)


“Hello Anne, In four days I will have not had a cigarette for two years.
I still have dreams where I am smoking but, when I wake have no problem reminding myself of the end goal.”

NOVEMBER 2017 (Smoking cessation)


“Your conversations and recording have made a siginificant (sic) difference and have given me a different perspective towards the “what’s good” aspect of my days.”

MARCH 2018 (Insomnia)


“I have struggled with periods of anxiety during these times I become hyperactive and cannot settle to do anything. I had a number sessions with Anne when for the first time, understood my symptoms and how I could learn to control  them. Through solution focused hypnotherapy I now have the tools to overcome my anxiety.

I had a challenging time over Christmas but using my toolkit was soon back on an even keel. This proved to me that the sessions really works and how powerful hypnotherapy is in combating anxiety.

Thanks so much for your help and encouragement Anne.”

JANUARY 2018 (Anxiety)


“Anne Wyatt you are an angel!  I’ve had a great nights sleep, 3 days running, All thanks to you!  I was in so much pain with my infected tooth that I didn’t think it would have been possible!  What a testament to the power of Hypnosis & to you!”

NOVEMBER 2017 (pain affecting sleep).


“Before coming to Anne my confidence was really low and I would constantly stress myself out over the smallest of things and overthink everything. I was incredibly negative about nearly everything and I was always scared of anything I was unfamiliar with, I was particularly nervous in social situations. After having a number of sessions with Anne I now look at a lot of things in a different light and the hypnotherapy sessions have helped me to develop a more positive mindset.

I could not recommend highly enough that anyone who feels a lack of confidence or wants to have a more positive outlook on life goes and speaks to Anne. It really can change your life for the better! 

NOVEMBER 2017 (anxiety, confidence)


“(I) feel so settled and clear headed. Feel confident in my future. And it’s all down to my attitude and confidence and being kind to myself. You’ve changed my life, can never thank you enough for putting things into perspective.”

“There’s a deep routed sense of self that’s been reignited since coming to see you”

“Truly feel I know who I am again and what I want and how to be kind to myself. This whole life is a mindset and only I can be in control of mine.”

AUGUST 2017 (anxiety, sleep, worrying)


“I went to see Anne having suffered from anxiety issues for the whole of my life. The final trigger for me was experiencing Tinnitus and not being able to sleep. After working with Anne I now have a much better approach to life. The Hypnotherapy has helped me to relax and enabled me to have a much happier life. I can now see the positives and feel on a much more even keel.”

AUGUST 2017 (anxiety, tinnitus, insomnia)


“For the past 50 plus years I have lived in my own little bubble, low self esteem, anti-social, phobias about food. Bad body image (even though I had several cosmetic procedures). Then one day last November I came across Anne Wyatt hypnotist  while browsing the internet.  She had a  picture of herself with the happiest smiling face. This why I chose her, I had been to several others over the years without much success.

Only after one session with Anne I felt a different person, stronger although I didn’t realise this until an incident came about. I felt wonderful. Anne give you the tools to change your life right round.

I have had quite a few sessions with great success. I should liked to have met Anne many years ago, but since I am 67  it wouldn’t have been possible.

If anyone is reading this and doesn’t want to waste their life like I did I strongly recommend Anne, you will not regret it. She is the happiest calming person. Every time I left the session I was so positive I could have skipped all the way home.”

JULY 2017 (body image, relationship with food, self esteem).


“Very informative and thought provoking talk about your work on various problems and how you deal with them. Looking forward to using your CD and hopefully get a better sleep.Would certainly recommend your services. Hoping you will return in the future to our group meeting.” *

MAY 2017 (talk to Ellon RC Church Ladies group)


“Just wanted to thank you for what you have done for [my daughter] to date – she seems much calmer and less stressed about her forthcoming exams.” *

APRIL 2017  (15 year old teenager – exam anxiety).


“She’s [my daughter] doing really well so I thought we’d leave making an appointment for now. Should anything change, I’ll call straight away. I just can’t believe the change in her. She is listening to the cd most evenings before bed, and I think that really helps. Thank you so much for all you’ve done for our family so far. It’s lovely to know that your there if we need you in the future.” *

APRIL 2017 (11 year old – social anxiety)


“Hi Anne.  Well, I did it! I flew to Copenhagen and back last week and it was fine!  I was nervous for about an hour before the outward flight, and maybe 30 minutes before the homeward flight. But in each case it felt manageable. I wasn’t paralysed with terror, and I managed to read my book quite happily on both occasions. I even managed to look out of the window!  So onwards and – literally – upwards: my next flight is to Finland in early April!  Thank you so much for everything you did for me. I feel so much more positive and relaxed about things now!” *

MARCH 2017 (fear of flying)


“Firstly I would like to say that Anne is such a lovely lady who puts you at ease from the moment you meet her. I finished my hypnotherapy today and whilst I will miss our sessions , I am so glad to be back on track, back to the person who can see the funny side of life again. The way she explains the power that the brain has over your thoughts is quite eye opening. I now think of her more as a friend and can highly recommend her to anyone considering Solution Focus Hypnotherapy. Thanks again Anne.” *

MARCH 2017 (Irritable Bowel Syndrome and anxiety)


“Dear Anne, Thank you so much for your fascinating talk last night to our BBA members – we were, without doubt , all mesmerised by it, and left feeling focused, encouraged, and very happy! We wish you continued success at Bon Accord Hypnotherapy, and thanks again for giving up your valuable time for us” *

JANUARY 2017 (Guest speaker)


“Well Anne Wyatt we have just had our first very large spider in the house, on the stairs & I did have a little oh me moment which didn’t turn into anything except for me getting a clear glass & a book and putting him out in the garden!!! I just said to [my husband] are u proud of me? Lol! Before I had seen your lovely self for hypnosis I probably would have struck a match to the house!!” *

AUGUST 2016 (fear of spiders)


“Wow, deciding to go and see Anne has been the best decision I’ve ever made! I initially went to see Anne to try and get my eating under control. With two small children and hardly any sleep, I found myself constantly snacking on chocolate and sweets to get me through the day. On top of this, I had a constant pain in my chest and just felt completely done in, but had accepted that this was just how things were going to be until the children were older. Anne explained that my eating habits were just a symptom of a bigger problem of needing to relax, and boy, was she right! *

Using Anne’s techniques, I’ve managed to change the way I react to situations – that constant anxious feeling has gone and I’m now much more relaxed than I ever thought possible. What I hadn’t realised was just how exhausting that feeling of constantly being on edge had been for me. Everything just seems so easy now – it’s incredible! Jobs which used to feel never ending and stressful are just getting done in so little effort. I’m not as tired as I used to be, I have so much more energy, and am a much happier person all round! As a side effect to feeling more relaxed and content, I’ve actually lost a stone in weight without having to do anything! *

Anne’s sessions have had an amazing effect on all aspects of my life. I’ve noticed I’m much more relaxed when driving and don’t feel under pressure like I used to when a car drives right up behind me. Also, my job involves some public speaking which I have always struggled with but now it doesn’t seem to bother me at. My 4 year old daughter has also benefited from Anne’s CD. Like me, she was quite an anxious child and bedtime would typically take two hours with her endless barrage of ‘what if’ worries and almost compulsive scratching she would do, stopping her from getting to sleep. We listen to Anne’s CD each night and she now falls asleep within minutes and is a noticeably much happier and relaxed little girl now.

I honestly can’t recommend Anne’s sessions enough. They really have transformed my life and it’s so empowering to know that not only can these changes happen in your life but that you’re completely in control in realising them – I feel so strong now and know I can take on anything!!” *

APRIL 2016


“I would like to say again how valuable I found your training – I absolutely loved the way you used examples to explain exactly what happened when we think positively and negatively.  The visual examples really helped!” *

FEBRUARY 2016 (Workplace CPD course).


“I would like to tell you how much my sessions with Anne Wyatt have changed my life forever.  Before I met Anne I suffered from depression, low self esteem, lack of confidence, worried constantly and comfort ate and drank too much.  I had been like this for the whole of my adult life and ended up suffering from fibromyalgia and IBS which had led me to be unable to work so had to seek early retirement.

After just one session with Anne I was able to understand how my brain worked and had stopped dwelling on the past and worrying incessantly, amazing.  I have gone on to have numerous sessions and I feel absolutely fantastic, even the fibro has improved.  I now have control of my mind instead of it having control of me.  I feel very positive, am able to make decisions and most of all I am really happy.  Things that would have once bothered me just don’t any more.  I have stopped drinking wine altogether which has totally amazed my husband and I am now in control of what I eat and drink and have even started to lose weight.  Having had a spider phobia all my life following hypnosis they no longer bother me I can even pick them up in a glass, look at them and put them outside or just leave them where they are!

I would highly recommend sessions with Anne to anyone and have passed on her details to all my friends, family and even my GP as hypnotherapy is a much better alternative to popping pills as I am testament to.” *



“… best wishes at Christmas from a very grateful client and for health and happiness in 2016. Our sessions have been wonderful, enlightening and fun!” *



“Hello Anne.  By 16.30 tomorrow I will have not had a cigarette for 14 days.  While the last 2 weeks have not been “easy” (there is a little voice just by my right ear almost constantly urging me to “have a cigarette”) I have managed to overcome urges and excuses to smoke (same things really??!) with relative ease.  There have been no tempers, no moments of internal stress and while there are still some associations (places activities etc) with smoking – I have always managed to say “I do not do that anymore” .   The effect of the hypnotherapy is interesting – at one level is it intensely strong, and yet at another it is incredibly subtle.  I am surprised at the success to date  Also:  I am experiencing an amazing positiveness and “can do will do” approach to tasks every day; What previously were problems are no longer; My sleep has improved; I have moderated a lot of other acitivites such as alcohol, eating, coffee, biscuits to name a few.  In summary – THANKS !” *



“Well Anne Wyatt i currently have 2 spiders in my house, one which i left and slept all night knowing that it was just the other side of my bedroom door & there is another one which has appeared & i have walked past them all day without feeling the need to get rid of them!!!!! Can’t thank u enough, things really are getting better! “

“Christopher Columbus said – you can never cross the ocean until you have the courage to lose sight of the shore – and Anne’s sessions have given me the courage to do just that,  reminding me of what can be achieved when we chose to think differently.” *



“I went to see Anne a few months ago , for anger / easily wound up issues She told me that my stress levels had built up too much and basically needed to clear my mind by retraining my mind , 8 months on I can positively say what a change in my thinking and reactions to everyday things which previously I would have kicked off , with anger , winding my self up , and basically not being the person I am Thanks to Anne the old me is in the distance.” *



“I feel our sessions have had a huge impact, largely because I now understand my anxieties are all in my mind.  I completed my presentation on Thursday without a single shake in my hands which has filled me with incredible confidence for the next one! It went so well. Additionally, I made an attempt to kill a spider for the first time in my life which would be exactly how I would like to handle the scenario in the future.” *



“Before seeing Anne I suffered from an extreme form of general anxiety disorder and social anxiety which ment it made life impossible I couldn’t go 5 miles away without passing out and being physically sick, parties were a definite no no and so was going away from home too, I had to be given sedation to be able to do any kind of activity, I was even told that I had a life of a very sick 80 year old too, im only 32 yrs old,, since visiting annes clinic I have become a lot more positive and able to tackle anything, so far in the past few months I have been to 1 family party, 2 discos, iv been from Elgin to Peterhead and visited all the places in between, went to Elton john concert, iv done so many activities and so far iv not needed any sedation style tablets to do these activities, iv also just done a reiki level 1 shoden course ( 2 day course) which I also managed without any meds, thank you Anne for helping me get my life back and also for listening too, I have to say that anne is so professional the room is calm she is very relaxed, she is a good listener and gives great advice to problems and issues that may arise, there have been times when iv been upset/stressed out, depressed and by the end of the session im feeling so much better, keep up the good work Anne” *



“I confess that I went to Anne with an element of scepticism. Making people cluck like chickens on stage is fun entertainment, but I learned today that there is a very serious and beneficial therapeutic side to hypnotherapy. Anne explained in very clear language the workings of the brain and the different levels of consciousness. I then had a relaxation session where I experienced the deepest sense of calm that I have felt in a very long time. Anne is very professional and I felt comfortable and aware throughout the session. Highly recommended”. *

MAY 2015


“Can highly recommend Anne to anyone! Such a lovely lady – always has such a welcoming, smiley face that puts you at ease! & very professional! Thanks again Anne!” *

JUNE 2015


“I went, by recommendation, to Anne to get help with a phobia I’d developed. I certainly had confidence in her even just from looking at her website, but was even more reassured when I went for an initial consultation. She explained very clearly how my phobia had developed and also how we were going to resolve it, which helped me to understand my little problem and took away some of the despair that I’d felt over whether I could ever overcome the phobia.  Anne has a lightness, warmth, and assurance when she is working that made me feel very comfortable, safe, supported and unjudged. I can sincerely recommend her if you need help with an issue of mental origin.” *

MARCH 2015.


“I wanted to stop smoking I tried different methods like patches and gum and failed. Someone recommended Anne to myself I am so glad I contacted Anne at first I was a bit sceptical but when I got there Anne put me at ease very quickly with her very calm voice I have been a smoker for a long time and was unsure at first. The first week was a little tense but I kept listening to the cd I was given as the days went on it became easier It has now been a month since I had my hypnosis and I feel great and am saving my money for our family holiday I highly recommend this treatment and a massive thank you to Anne.” *

MARCH 2015.


“When I found Anne I was looking for someone to make me feel ‘normal’ again – I had no real idea what Solution Focussed Hypnotherapy involved, but frankly I would have been thrilled if the hypnotherapy had the power to wipe my brain.  It didn’t, the reality of it was that Anne gave me the tools to find myself and take control again.

I am not by nature someone who wants to rake over past events – Solution Focussed Therapy works firmly on moving forwards and changing your mindset from negative to positive.  Understanding how your brain works, what can be creative and what can be destructive, is a very powerful piece of knowledge. The hypnotherapy side of it, for me, is like a fast track relaxation session with a positive narrative flowing around you – I finished every session feeling uplifted and empowered and totally in control.

Right now the sun is shining and life is good with me.  When the hiccups happen – and they will – I know that I have the ability to find my way through.  That’s not to say I won’t be seeking Anne out for a sneaky top up session now and then….I’m missing her already!

I have found a therapy that works so well for me, I can’t recommend Anne’s talents highly enough.” *

MARCH 2015


“I had developed a phobia and started having panic attacks when I stopped at traffic lights. I searched the internet and found Anne’s website and made an appointment. When I first arrived,  I was a bit nervous and did not know what to expect, however,  Anne immediately put me at ease as she understood exactly what I was going through. Anne explained why I was having the panic attacks and how she could help. I had two further sessions that cured my phobia. After my last session I was amazed at the results as I found myself laughing whenever I was stopped at traffic lights and no longer had any panic attacks. I cannot thank Anne enough for all her help.” *

MARCH  2015.


“I can’t recommend Anne Wyatt highly enough! what a lovely lovely woman she is and is so professional. I have had 3 hypnosis sessions now and have my final session next week and I feel so positive! Your treatment room is just perfect, you should be so proud of yourself! I can’t wish you enough luck for the future.” *



Well done Anne Wyatt.  I currently have 2 spiders in my house, one which i left and slept all night knowing that it was just the other side of my bedroom door & there is another one which has appeared & i have walked past them all day without feeling the need to get rid of them!!!!! Can’t thank u enough, things really are getting better!” *



“I was a little nervous before I began as I wasn’t sure what to expect. I shouldn’t have worried as Anne quickly put me at my ease and explained things clearly (with her lovely calming voice). I only needed a few sessions to find that I was more positive, relaxed and able to face the things I found difficult. Thank you Anne!” *

JANUARY  2015.


“I found the principles of solution focused therapy straightforward and the focus on the present rather than the past very helpful. Anne’s explanation and delivery were great.” *



“My daughter (16) had solution focused hypnotherapy with Anne and what a difference it has made, not only to her life but the whole family. She has suffered from high anxiety and after just the first session my husband and I noticed a difference in her personality and responses to life situations. She appeared more confident and engaging with how she felt and how she dealt about life in general.  I was fortunate to be able to sit in on the sessions as this is what my daughter requested. This had a big impact on the way I reacted to situations involving her and so changed my behaviour for the better. I not only supported her through the sessions but am able to continue to now. My daughter and I can not thank Anne enough for the positive out look to life we both have now. Thank you.” *


I would like to thank Anne for her ongoing support over the past year to help with anxiety feelings that I was experiencing for several years. I didn’t know who to turn to for help and I’m very glad I found the service that she provides here. My expectations of hypnotherapy were quite low at the beginning before getting in touch and that changed dramatically even after my very first session. Every appointment was different and tailored to my needs to change my mindset to the happy person I am today. Anne is a very friendly, professional individual and never failed to make me smile and feel good about myself. I couldn’t recommend her enough. Regular appointments of hypnotherapy have changed my life for the better.



Anne has helped me to see the positives in life, to let go of the past and to start living in the moment. Anne is a joy!



Thank you very much Anne, from the moment we started working together i was put at total ease you are an extraordinary human being and what you have helped me achieve i will be forever grateful. The knowledge you have shared has given me an excellent understanding on how our brain and thinking process works and this has allowed me to face any daily challenges thrown at me no matter how big or small. I will continue to use the techniques and positive outlook you have instilled in me throughout everyday life, Thanks again and i wish you all the well deserved success in the future.



Our son was suffering from low mood, aggressive outbursts and withdrawn from daily life and his usual interests.
Upon engaging with Anne and having several sessions, our son had completely turned around and back to the old fun, enthusiastic and caring young man he was previously, if not better.
Life was challenging before working with Anne, we are so glad we approached and as with her skills and calm nature we are all in a much better place. We are eternally grateful for Anne’s support.



Having suffered with anxiety, low mood and feeling like I had been stuck in a mental rut for some time, I contacted Anne to enquire about what she offers, and how solution focused hypnotherapy could help. Anne was friendly and very honest about the process and was keen to assess whether she could help me with my concerns. All of my sessions were carried out on Zoom, which worked surprisingly well and this was a surprise to me as I believed it would be better face to face, however, this was not the case. Anne has a very friendly and engaging manner and is always smiling. She began each appointment with an informative explanation of the primitive and intellectual areas of the brain, and how they make us behave and respond to life matters. This was a good foundation to work upon and return to whenever needed.

I have absolutely seen the benefits of Anne's sessions, I am sleeping better and have the confidence that I can be focused, productive and deal with any of life's challenges, without ruminating on any negative emotions, and with a more optimistic outlook. The fact that Anne trained in this field as a result of a successful experience of Solution Focused Hypnotherapy herself, reinforced my confidence in its effectiveness, and it was a pleasure to see this come through in her passion and enjoyment of her work.



Having suffered with lower abdomen ache for 1 year and many NHS tests later it was after just two sessions with Anne before my pain disappeared never to return. I didn't recognise I had some form of anxiety/stress but with a solutions based approach (not going over your life history) focussing on thinking positive, taking positive actions and interacting positively I have kicked some habits making me feel healthier and feeling more energised and happy.

MARCH 2024


We were recommended to speak to Anne by one of her previous clients, and are absolutely delighted that we did so. When we first got in touch with Anne my daughter's anxiety was causing her significant issues, so much so that day-to-day life was a real struggle. Anne explained clearly and patiently how she would work with my daughter, and over the time that she saw her developed a close bond of trust with her. The difference in my daughter since seeing Anne is very much noticeable, and we would absolutely recommend her services to anyone.



After developing a form of anxiety quite suddenly from seemingly nowhere, I was advised to give hypnotherapy a try. I must admit I was fairly sceptical at first but even after my initial consultation meeting with Anne I started to feel like it was something I could work on to overcome.
Her explanation on how the brain works and why these symptoms were presenting themselves really helped. During our sessions in the coming months I developed the tools I needed to overcome those feelings of anxiety.
I now feel great and able to get on with enjoying life again. I would 100%recommend Anne to anyone else in a similar situation

NOVEMBER 2023 (Anxiety)


Brilliant experience, highly recommend Anne, there is no pressure at any time and she has literally changed my outlook on every aspect of my life, understanding how your brain works and how you can control it to achieve positive outcomes is amazing. I now have a fresh outlook on life and make positive decisions, actions and interactions. Anne is very easy to talk to, a great listener and very very wise woman. I am most appreciative!

October 2023 (weight loss)


Anne is absolutely incredible. She dealt with my debilitating phobia with patience and kindness while addressing my overall well being. I’m not exaggerating when I saw that Anne has completely changed my life.

AUGUST 2023 (spider phobia)


I contacted Anne of BAH for help with chronic pain following surgery and chemotherapy. This has been very successful. I learned from the start that pain management was part of what I now think of as brain management. Anne explained the relevant neuroscience fully but in understandable terms and gave me some simple techniques to use which in conjunction with her very helpful download helped me to relax easily, to sleep much better, and to feel generally calm and in a good place. The pain has been relegated to a minor and acceptable background presence, and quite frequently not even that. In addition to being highly effective I found the whole process to be both interesting and enjoyable. Anne is highly professional and also friendly and just a nice person.
A clear 5-star.

NOVEMBER 2022 (post cancer pain)


My appointments with Anne have helped me get my life back on track and I feel so much better than I did a few months ago. I found Anne to be a warm friendly understanding person. She is encouraging, supportive and informative and I always looked forward to our weekly appointments and went away feeling ready to face whatever challenges there were for me the following week. Thanks to my hypnotherapy sessions I have been able to change my way of thinking and I am now more positive than I have been for quite a while. The advice and knowledge I have gained will help me to continue feeling this way even when life is challenging. I would definitely recommend hypnotherapy sessions with Anne to anyone needing help with issues in their life. Many thanks to you Anne and very best wishes for the future.

NOVEMBER 2022 (Anxiety and managing stress)


I would like to let others know that by attending my sessions with Anne her methods and explanations to my heightened anxiety levels were worked on each session with resolve to that weeks (sic) issues erupting. Listening to her relaxation tape put me in a very relaxed state which I really required. My lifestyle had changed and i (sic) had to take on an awful lot of difficult tasks. This took a huge toll on myself.

My Husband had recommended I make an appointment with someone who does Hypnotherapy.

I was very sceptical about the idea. But quickly realised i (sic) needed the support from this amazing lady who helped bring me back to the strong confident person I had been.

Can only recommend her for steering me in a very positive direction enabling me to feel free and happy again !!

OCTOBER 2022  (Anxiety)


I can’t recommend Anne highly enough, Anne is a true expert at hypnotherapy and makes you feel that any issue can be conquered with her help.
Over a number of sessions, Anne helped me resolve a driving issue which stemmed from grief and increased anxiety levels. The therapy meetings were relaxed, informative and I felt instantly better after each one.
It’s not just what Anne does, it is how she does it and if you are considering calling her, you won’t regret it. Thank you Anne for making me feel like myself again!

SEPTEMBER 2022 (grief, anxiety, driving related fear)


I cant thank you enough for all your help,time and giving me the tools i need to get back to my old self , if truth told im in a better place than my old self, thanks to you. I'm working on myself everyday and i am so much mentally stronger.

SEPTEMBER 2022 (Stress and anxiety linked to pain)


I can't thank you enough for providing me with, what feels like a mental health toolkit to help navigate the trials of life, confidently.
So grateful for the recommendation that I received, as working with you ( I feel that it was that kind of partnership!) has helped me find me.
The solutions focused method was right up my street.

April 2022


Anne is such a lovely and warm person that i knew from the 1st phone call she would be able to help me settle my anxiety. Anxiety for me is looking in the future and into the past and overthinking. She helped me come back to the present and focus on the positives. If you are thinking about hypnotherapy try it, you won't regret it.

March 2022 (Anxiety)


We found Anne after years of failed attempts elsewhere trying to get help for our 9 year old son who had been suffering with a severe phobia of dogs. Our son was missing out on all the things he should be enjoying as a child, days out, plays at the parks and visits to friends and families houses. His phobia was controlling our lives and having an impact on every day (sic) life for our family. At first we were skeptical (sic) of this new approach as we had exhausted all other options with no improvement at all but within the first few sessions we could already see Anne's methods were different and were having a positive impact on B's outlook on his phobia. She instantly established a rapport with B which grew stronger and stronger each week. Within weeks we noticed positive changes in B. Over the course of his sessions we continued to see improvements. B began being able to see dogs from a distance and no longer panicked like he used to. Each week he looked forward to seeing Anne and catching up with her. He became more positive, more confident and also began sleeping better too. Before we knew it, many of his initial anxieties failed to bother him. As the weeks/months went on he started stroking friends dogs when out and even taking walks with some of them. He also began speaking about one day getting a dog of his own.

Due to Covid restrictions B's sessions then had to be done via Zoom which Anne adapted to suit his needs. Each week there was visible progress until eventually B came to the decision that after all his hard work he was ready for his own puppy-a day that we thought would never come! Words cannot describe how grateful we are to Anne for being there step by step through B's journey. She is absolutely amazing at what she does. She has changed our lives in a way that I could never have imagined was possible. For anyone who is unsure if Anne's approach is for them, I urge you to please give it a try, it could change your life just as it has changed ours.

Thank you Anne.

AUGUST 2021 (fear of dogs and general anxiety)


Anne came highly recommended to help me overcome the fear of public speaking and build confidence. At the first session, Anne explained how each of the sessions would work and made me feel completely at ease. Anne is knowledgeable, professional and has some sort of superpower to change people's lives! I saw a difference in my confidence levels after a couple of sessions which made me trust the process and start enjoying things that I used to shy away from.

Thank you Anne!

MAY 2021 (fear of public speaking, low confidence)


I found Anne to be approachable, professional and friendly. The advice and techniques have helped me move forward and have a more positive outlook on certain situations.

MAY 2021 - online therapy via zoom (anxiety and worry)


Would thoroughly recommend a visit to see Anne if you have anxiety problems of any kind. It takes time and is a gradual thing.

On Monday I went to Aberdeen and did some shopping, had a lovely relaxing lunch and came home. No issues whatsoever. I was so happy and very pleased with myself. Long time since I did that.

Thank you Anne so much for all your help and patience

DECEMBER 2020 – online therapy via Zoom (anxiety and symptoms similar to types of IBS)


Before starting sessions with Anne my life was dictated by my phobia. Social gatherings and outings of most kinds where very difficult if not impossible and certain times of the year were very difficult. My bucket was definitely overflowing.

When I started the sessions I was a definate sceptic and really didnt know if would make any difference at all.

Anne explained how my brain reacted to my phobia and how it should react.
Through support, encouragement and therapy sessions I now feel I can face anything.
My lifestyle has changed, I go to gatherings, make the effort to socialise and want to try new things. My phobia is no longer the force that holds me back in life.

I noticed the changes gradually, in my behaviour and willingness to do things I had previously avoided for years. Others noticed changes too.

I'm so grateful to Anne who has made this enormous change in my life possible. I have the understanding of how to change a behaviour, the power of positive thinking and the positives of hypnotherapy.

Anne is very calming, encouraging, supportive and knowledgable in this field. I say again I am truly grateful I would not have been able to overcome my phobia alone. I'm slightly saddened that my sessions have finished but happy that I no longer have a phobia that dictates my life.
I know that I have all the tools given to me by Anne to continue to live life to the full.

I would highly recommend Anne to anyone. 5 stars absolutely brilliant.

MARCH 2020 (health anxiety – sessions carried out through live video link)


If like me you suffer anxiety, then I must tell you about Anne and how she has totally changed my whole outlook on life.
My anxiety was off the scale but with Anne’s amazing techniques, skill and understanding, she has transformed my life to being a much more confident positive person. So if you are in any doubt, please don’t hesitate to pick up the phone and this amazing lady will change your life too. I looked forward so much to my sessions and will go back for an mot to keep everything on track.

FEBRUARY 2020 (anxiety)


I thought you'd like to know that we've just returned from the most amazing cruise trip to Australia and New Zealand.  I now have around 44 hours of long-haul flights under my belt - and even in turbulence I was relaxed enough to be able to sleep! All this is in addition to numerous shorter flights in the time since my sessions with you. And no need even to resort to the relaxation recording!  I couldn't have done it without your support and expertise, so thank you so much for that. It's opened up my world.

FEBRUARY 2020 (fear of flying)


‘Well what can I say. I can not recommend highly enough. I have had relatively bad anxiety for 5 years and have tried all kinds of things online, doctors and a full course of CBT, nothing has really helped at all. I thought I was just going to have to go through the rest of my life fighting it and that would be me. I got given a leaflet from my brothers wife and thought what the hell I will give it a try. Hypnotherapy, I was pretty sceptical. I thought I would give it a go, so booked an appointment and went a long.

Know I have read a lot about anxiety and thought I knew a lot. Anne is literally a wizard. Lovely person who totally understands anxiety she easy to get on with and is not interested in your past or even how it started as most probably don’t know either. If you go in with an open mind this will definitely help you and can fix your brain. If you do what she says and follow the steps it works. Its kind of like going to the spa. Totally relaxing and educational. I saw an immediate improvement after 1 week and after 10 sessions I feel totally back to normal, it’s a miracle. I can’t thank her enough. I am under no illusion that I may get anxiety still through my life but I know what to do now and if it gets bad again will be straight back. If you have anxiety or depression what have you got to lose, you would be mad not to try it. Give it a go and hopefully she can show you how to fix yourself. I saw her once a week for the first few weeks then every 2 weeks. She is awesome. Thanks again x’

JULY 2019 (anxiety)


“Life is so much better than a few months ago, the process with yourself at Bon accord hypnotherapy has been fantastic! I have made such positive changes and continue to do so. Thank you very much for all your work with me.”

MAY 2019 (anxiety / fear of driving)


"“When I first came to see you it was probably after ten years of some sporadic anxiety at stressful times which felt bad, but passed after time, but the year or so before our appointment I was utterly unable to cope with anything. A complete wreck. A good day was “difficult” and a bad day was absolutely unbearable.

Talking to you, and working with your methods kicked me out of that cycle I now know I was buried in, and having followed your advice I now find myself enjoying everyday. So now good days are great and “bad days” are just kind of tiring but not unbearable or scary. Thank you”.

APRIL 2019 (anxiety)


“I came to Anne at a time in my life when I was riddled with insecurities and wild anxiety. I had been to my dr regarding my issue but the options were medication or generic CBT. Not to put those options down they absolutely have a place but not for me. My anxiety at that time seemed odd, frightening . I was scared and you always have the added anxiety that if you get “therapy” you have to talk about your problems. I needed a change and I was aware that I was existing not living. Everyday I was living inside my own brain in a cycle of doom.

I set up an appointment with Anne and I have never looked back. She has single handedly changed my life. I’m not just saying that. SHE HAS CHANGED MY LIFE. She will argue that I have changed my life because she gave me the tools to learn how to control my brain but she taught me how to use them. If you are suffering, scared and in need of help. Anne is the sympathetic and caring help you need. You don’t need to talk about anything, you don’t need to be scared and you absolutely don’t need to suffer in silence. Don’t just exist, live!”

SEPTEMBER 2018 (anxiety)


“After only a couple of appointments with Anne, I felt myself feeling much more motivated and able to focus on the future with a much more positive outlook. I cannot believe the distance I have come and Anne has helped me move forward with my life. My health, confidence and energy has improved immensely. I can now look at what I can go on to achieve. Thank you Anne.”

AUGUST 2018 (health, confidence, motivation)


“Thank you for all the skills you have taught me. I’m not a ’10’ every day but with your help, I’m at a place where I know how to judge where I am at, and if I’m dipping, I have the tools to get me to where I want to be. I’m not suggesting that I might not need to call on you again for a bit of a ‘top up’ but I’m in a much better place than I was when I started seeing you in December – for that, I can’t even begin to thank you enough. You’ve helped me change my behaviour and question my thinking when my ‘stress bucket’ gets too much!”

MAY 2018 (anxiety)


“Just to let you know that I had almost no nerves at all on the build up to the exam. Even on the morning of the exam! This was a massive help, so thank you”

APRIL 2018 (exam nerves)


“Anne Wyatt is an amazing woman with an absolutely amazing talent! Definitely recommend her xx”

MARCH 2018 (Snake phobia)


“Hi Anne, I said I would get back to you and report on progress and it is good. I am a lot more in control of stressful situations and while I still have the nasal congestion condition I am dealing with the breathing aspect of control well. I am using the CD three or four times a week and feel the continuity of using it regularly keeps me feeling at the top end of the happy category.

I thank you for helping me deal with my stress management problem and I will certainly recommend your services to anyone I know personally who needs similar help.”

MARCH 2018 (Stress management)


“Hello Anne, In four days I will have not had a cigarette for two years.
I still have dreams where I am smoking but, when I wake have no problem reminding myself of the end goal.”

NOVEMBER 2017 (Smoking cessation)


“Your conversations and recording have made a siginificant (sic) difference and have given me a different perspective towards the “what’s good” aspect of my days.”

MARCH 2018 (Insomnia)


“I have struggled with periods of anxiety during these times I become hyperactive and cannot settle to do anything. I had a number sessions with Anne when for the first time, understood my symptoms and how I could learn to control  them. Through solution focused hypnotherapy I now have the tools to overcome my anxiety.

I had a challenging time over Christmas but using my toolkit was soon back on an even keel. This proved to me that the sessions really works and how powerful hypnotherapy is in combating anxiety.

Thanks so much for your help and encouragement Anne.”

JANUARY 2018 (Anxiety)


“Anne Wyatt you are an angel!  I’ve had a great nights sleep, 3 days running, All thanks to you!  I was in so much pain with my infected tooth that I didn’t think it would have been possible!  What a testament to the power of Hypnosis & to you!”

NOVEMBER 2017 (pain affecting sleep).


“Before coming to Anne my confidence was really low and I would constantly stress myself out over the smallest of things and overthink everything. I was incredibly negative about nearly everything and I was always scared of anything I was unfamiliar with, I was particularly nervous in social situations. After having a number of sessions with Anne I now look at a lot of things in a different light and the hypnotherapy sessions have helped me to develop a more positive mindset.

I could not recommend highly enough that anyone who feels a lack of confidence or wants to have a more positive outlook on life goes and speaks to Anne. It really can change your life for the better! 

NOVEMBER 2017 (anxiety, confidence)


“(I) feel so settled and clear headed. Feel confident in my future. And it’s all down to my attitude and confidence and being kind to myself. You’ve changed my life, can never thank you enough for putting things into perspective.”

“There’s a deep routed sense of self that’s been reignited since coming to see you”

“Truly feel I know who I am again and what I want and how to be kind to myself. This whole life is a mindset and only I can be in control of mine.”

AUGUST 2017 (anxiety, sleep, worrying)


“I went to see Anne having suffered from anxiety issues for the whole of my life. The final trigger for me was experiencing Tinnitus and not being able to sleep. After working with Anne I now have a much better approach to life. The Hypnotherapy has helped me to relax and enabled me to have a much happier life. I can now see the positives and feel on a much more even keel.”

AUGUST 2017 (anxiety, tinnitus, insomnia)


“For the past 50 plus years I have lived in my own little bubble, low self esteem, anti-social, phobias about food. Bad body image (even though I had several cosmetic procedures). Then one day last November I came across Anne Wyatt hypnotist  while browsing the internet.  She had a  picture of herself with the happiest smiling face. This why I chose her, I had been to several others over the years without much success.

Only after one session with Anne I felt a different person, stronger although I didn’t realise this until an incident came about. I felt wonderful. Anne give you the tools to change your life right round.

I have had quite a few sessions with great success. I should liked to have met Anne many years ago, but since I am 67  it wouldn’t have been possible.

If anyone is reading this and doesn’t want to waste their life like I did I strongly recommend Anne, you will not regret it. She is the happiest calming person. Every time I left the session I was so positive I could have skipped all the way home.”

JULY 2017 (body image, relationship with food, self esteem).


“Very informative and thought provoking talk about your work on various problems and how you deal with them. Looking forward to using your CD and hopefully get a better sleep.Would certainly recommend your services. Hoping you will return in the future to our group meeting.” *

MAY 2017 (talk to Ellon RC Church Ladies group)


“Just wanted to thank you for what you have done for [my daughter] to date – she seems much calmer and less stressed about her forthcoming exams.” *

APRIL 2017  (15 year old teenager – exam anxiety).


“She’s [my daughter] doing really well so I thought we’d leave making an appointment for now. Should anything change, I’ll call straight away. I just can’t believe the change in her. She is listening to the cd most evenings before bed, and I think that really helps. Thank you so much for all you’ve done for our family so far. It’s lovely to know that your there if we need you in the future.” *

APRIL 2017 (11 year old – social anxiety)


“Hi Anne.  Well, I did it! I flew to Copenhagen and back last week and it was fine!  I was nervous for about an hour before the outward flight, and maybe 30 minutes before the homeward flight. But in each case it felt manageable. I wasn’t paralysed with terror, and I managed to read my book quite happily on both occasions. I even managed to look out of the window!  So onwards and – literally – upwards: my next flight is to Finland in early April!  Thank you so much for everything you did for me. I feel so much more positive and relaxed about things now!” *

MARCH 2017 (fear of flying)


“Firstly I would like to say that Anne is such a lovely lady who puts you at ease from the moment you meet her. I finished my hypnotherapy today and whilst I will miss our sessions , I am so glad to be back on track, back to the person who can see the funny side of life again. The way she explains the power that the brain has over your thoughts is quite eye opening. I now think of her more as a friend and can highly recommend her to anyone considering Solution Focus Hypnotherapy. Thanks again Anne.” *

MARCH 2017 (Irritable Bowel Syndrome and anxiety)


“Dear Anne, Thank you so much for your fascinating talk last night to our BBA members – we were, without doubt , all mesmerised by it, and left feeling focused, encouraged, and very happy! We wish you continued success at Bon Accord Hypnotherapy, and thanks again for giving up your valuable time for us” *

JANUARY 2017 (Guest speaker)


“Well Anne Wyatt we have just had our first very large spider in the house, on the stairs & I did have a little oh me moment which didn’t turn into anything except for me getting a clear glass & a book and putting him out in the garden!!! I just said to [my husband] are u proud of me? Lol! Before I had seen your lovely self for hypnosis I probably would have struck a match to the house!!” *

AUGUST 2016 (fear of spiders)


“Wow, deciding to go and see Anne has been the best decision I’ve ever made! I initially went to see Anne to try and get my eating under control. With two small children and hardly any sleep, I found myself constantly snacking on chocolate and sweets to get me through the day. On top of this, I had a constant pain in my chest and just felt completely done in, but had accepted that this was just how things were going to be until the children were older. Anne explained that my eating habits were just a symptom of a bigger problem of needing to relax, and boy, was she right! *

Using Anne’s techniques, I’ve managed to change the way I react to situations – that constant anxious feeling has gone and I’m now much more relaxed than I ever thought possible. What I hadn’t realised was just how exhausting that feeling of constantly being on edge had been for me. Everything just seems so easy now – it’s incredible! Jobs which used to feel never ending and stressful are just getting done in so little effort. I’m not as tired as I used to be, I have so much more energy, and am a much happier person all round! As a side effect to feeling more relaxed and content, I’ve actually lost a stone in weight without having to do anything! *

Anne’s sessions have had an amazing effect on all aspects of my life. I’ve noticed I’m much more relaxed when driving and don’t feel under pressure like I used to when a car drives right up behind me. Also, my job involves some public speaking which I have always struggled with but now it doesn’t seem to bother me at. My 4 year old daughter has also benefited from Anne’s CD. Like me, she was quite an anxious child and bedtime would typically take two hours with her endless barrage of ‘what if’ worries and almost compulsive scratching she would do, stopping her from getting to sleep. We listen to Anne’s CD each night and she now falls asleep within minutes and is a noticeably much happier and relaxed little girl now.

I honestly can’t recommend Anne’s sessions enough. They really have transformed my life and it’s so empowering to know that not only can these changes happen in your life but that you’re completely in control in realising them – I feel so strong now and know I can take on anything!!” *

APRIL 2016


“I would like to say again how valuable I found your training – I absolutely loved the way you used examples to explain exactly what happened when we think positively and negatively.  The visual examples really helped!” *

FEBRUARY 2016 (Workplace CPD course).


“I would like to tell you how much my sessions with Anne Wyatt have changed my life forever.  Before I met Anne I suffered from depression, low self esteem, lack of confidence, worried constantly and comfort ate and drank too much.  I had been like this for the whole of my adult life and ended up suffering from fibromyalgia and IBS which had led me to be unable to work so had to seek early retirement.

After just one session with Anne I was able to understand how my brain worked and had stopped dwelling on the past and worrying incessantly, amazing.  I have gone on to have numerous sessions and I feel absolutely fantastic, even the fibro has improved.  I now have control of my mind instead of it having control of me.  I feel very positive, am able to make decisions and most of all I am really happy.  Things that would have once bothered me just don’t any more.  I have stopped drinking wine altogether which has totally amazed my husband and I am now in control of what I eat and drink and have even started to lose weight.  Having had a spider phobia all my life following hypnosis they no longer bother me I can even pick them up in a glass, look at them and put them outside or just leave them where they are!

I would highly recommend sessions with Anne to anyone and have passed on her details to all my friends, family and even my GP as hypnotherapy is a much better alternative to popping pills as I am testament to.” *



“… best wishes at Christmas from a very grateful client and for health and happiness in 2016. Our sessions have been wonderful, enlightening and fun!” *



“Hello Anne.  By 16.30 tomorrow I will have not had a cigarette for 14 days.  While the last 2 weeks have not been “easy” (there is a little voice just by my right ear almost constantly urging me to “have a cigarette”) I have managed to overcome urges and excuses to smoke (same things really??!) with relative ease.  There have been no tempers, no moments of internal stress and while there are still some associations (places activities etc) with smoking – I have always managed to say “I do not do that anymore” .   The effect of the hypnotherapy is interesting – at one level is it intensely strong, and yet at another it is incredibly subtle.  I am surprised at the success to date  Also:  I am experiencing an amazing positiveness and “can do will do” approach to tasks every day; What previously were problems are no longer; My sleep has improved; I have moderated a lot of other acitivites such as alcohol, eating, coffee, biscuits to name a few.  In summary – THANKS !” *



“Well Anne Wyatt i currently have 2 spiders in my house, one which i left and slept all night knowing that it was just the other side of my bedroom door & there is another one which has appeared & i have walked past them all day without feeling the need to get rid of them!!!!! Can’t thank u enough, things really are getting better! “

“Christopher Columbus said – you can never cross the ocean until you have the courage to lose sight of the shore – and Anne’s sessions have given me the courage to do just that,  reminding me of what can be achieved when we chose to think differently.” *



“I went to see Anne a few months ago , for anger / easily wound up issues She told me that my stress levels had built up too much and basically needed to clear my mind by retraining my mind , 8 months on I can positively say what a change in my thinking and reactions to everyday things which previously I would have kicked off , with anger , winding my self up , and basically not being the person I am Thanks to Anne the old me is in the distance.” *



“I feel our sessions have had a huge impact, largely because I now understand my anxieties are all in my mind.  I completed my presentation on Thursday without a single shake in my hands which has filled me with incredible confidence for the next one! It went so well. Additionally, I made an attempt to kill a spider for the first time in my life which would be exactly how I would like to handle the scenario in the future.” *



“Before seeing Anne I suffered from an extreme form of general anxiety disorder and social anxiety which ment it made life impossible I couldn’t go 5 miles away without passing out and being physically sick, parties were a definite no no and so was going away from home too, I had to be given sedation to be able to do any kind of activity, I was even told that I had a life of a very sick 80 year old too, im only 32 yrs old,, since visiting annes clinic I have become a lot more positive and able to tackle anything, so far in the past few months I have been to 1 family party, 2 discos, iv been from Elgin to Peterhead and visited all the places in between, went to Elton john concert, iv done so many activities and so far iv not needed any sedation style tablets to do these activities, iv also just done a reiki level 1 shoden course ( 2 day course) which I also managed without any meds, thank you Anne for helping me get my life back and also for listening too, I have to say that anne is so professional the room is calm she is very relaxed, she is a good listener and gives great advice to problems and issues that may arise, there have been times when iv been upset/stressed out, depressed and by the end of the session im feeling so much better, keep up the good work Anne” *



“I confess that I went to Anne with an element of scepticism. Making people cluck like chickens on stage is fun entertainment, but I learned today that there is a very serious and beneficial therapeutic side to hypnotherapy. Anne explained in very clear language the workings of the brain and the different levels of consciousness. I then had a relaxation session where I experienced the deepest sense of calm that I have felt in a very long time. Anne is very professional and I felt comfortable and aware throughout the session. Highly recommended”. *

MAY 2015


“Can highly recommend Anne to anyone! Such a lovely lady – always has such a welcoming, smiley face that puts you at ease! & very professional! Thanks again Anne!” *

JUNE 2015


“I went, by recommendation, to Anne to get help with a phobia I’d developed. I certainly had confidence in her even just from looking at her website, but was even more reassured when I went for an initial consultation. She explained very clearly how my phobia had developed and also how we were going to resolve it, which helped me to understand my little problem and took away some of the despair that I’d felt over whether I could ever overcome the phobia.  Anne has a lightness, warmth, and assurance when she is working that made me feel very comfortable, safe, supported and unjudged. I can sincerely recommend her if you need help with an issue of mental origin.” *

MARCH 2015.


“I wanted to stop smoking I tried different methods like patches and gum and failed. Someone recommended Anne to myself I am so glad I contacted Anne at first I was a bit sceptical but when I got there Anne put me at ease very quickly with her very calm voice I have been a smoker for a long time and was unsure at first. The first week was a little tense but I kept listening to the cd I was given as the days went on it became easier It has now been a month since I had my hypnosis and I feel great and am saving my money for our family holiday I highly recommend this treatment and a massive thank you to Anne.” *

MARCH 2015.


“When I found Anne I was looking for someone to make me feel ‘normal’ again – I had no real idea what Solution Focussed Hypnotherapy involved, but frankly I would have been thrilled if the hypnotherapy had the power to wipe my brain.  It didn’t, the reality of it was that Anne gave me the tools to find myself and take control again.

I am not by nature someone who wants to rake over past events – Solution Focussed Therapy works firmly on moving forwards and changing your mindset from negative to positive.  Understanding how your brain works, what can be creative and what can be destructive, is a very powerful piece of knowledge. The hypnotherapy side of it, for me, is like a fast track relaxation session with a positive narrative flowing around you – I finished every session feeling uplifted and empowered and totally in control.

Right now the sun is shining and life is good with me.  When the hiccups happen – and they will – I know that I have the ability to find my way through.  That’s not to say I won’t be seeking Anne out for a sneaky top up session now and then….I’m missing her already!

I have found a therapy that works so well for me, I can’t recommend Anne’s talents highly enough.” *

MARCH 2015


“I had developed a phobia and started having panic attacks when I stopped at traffic lights. I searched the internet and found Anne’s website and made an appointment. When I first arrived,  I was a bit nervous and did not know what to expect, however,  Anne immediately put me at ease as she understood exactly what I was going through. Anne explained why I was having the panic attacks and how she could help. I had two further sessions that cured my phobia. After my last session I was amazed at the results as I found myself laughing whenever I was stopped at traffic lights and no longer had any panic attacks. I cannot thank Anne enough for all her help.” *

MARCH  2015.


“I can’t recommend Anne Wyatt highly enough! what a lovely lovely woman she is and is so professional. I have had 3 hypnosis sessions now and have my final session next week and I feel so positive! Your treatment room is just perfect, you should be so proud of yourself! I can’t wish you enough luck for the future.” *



Well done Anne Wyatt.  I currently have 2 spiders in my house, one which i left and slept all night knowing that it was just the other side of my bedroom door & there is another one which has appeared & i have walked past them all day without feeling the need to get rid of them!!!!! Can’t thank u enough, things really are getting better!” *



“I was a little nervous before I began as I wasn’t sure what to expect. I shouldn’t have worried as Anne quickly put me at my ease and explained things clearly (with her lovely calming voice). I only needed a few sessions to find that I was more positive, relaxed and able to face the things I found difficult. Thank you Anne!” *

JANUARY  2015.


“I found the principles of solution focused therapy straightforward and the focus on the present rather than the past very helpful. Anne’s explanation and delivery were great.” *



“My daughter (16) had solution focused hypnotherapy with Anne and what a difference it has made, not only to her life but the whole family. She has suffered from high anxiety and after just the first session my husband and I noticed a difference in her personality and responses to life situations. She appeared more confident and engaging with how she felt and how she dealt about life in general.  I was fortunate to be able to sit in on the sessions as this is what my daughter requested. This had a big impact on the way I reacted to situations involving her and so changed my behaviour for the better. I not only supported her through the sessions but am able to continue to now. My daughter and I can not thank Anne enough for the positive out look to life we both have now. Thank you.” *


* Individual results may vary from person to person and cannot be guaranteed

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